Why Human-Centric Security Matters & How Oppos Makes It Achievable in 4 Steps

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field that requires organizations to stay ahead of the latest threats and vulnerabilities. While traditional security measures focus on protecting systems and data, a new approach called human-centric security is gaining momentum. This approach recognizes that people are often the weakest link in security and aims to empower them to become the first line of defense.

Oppos’ human-centric security framework offers a comprehensive and practical approach to building a human-centric security culture within your organization. In this blog, we will explore the four steps of Oppos’ framework and how they can help you create a more secure and resilient organization.

Human-Centric Security

Oppos Human-centric Security Framework

Oppos’ human-centric security framework is a comprehensive approach that aims to protect organizations from cybersecurity threats by focusing on the human element. This framework consists of four key stages: assess, design, implement, and sustain.


The first stage, assess, involves conducting a thorough analysis of the organization’s existing security infrastructure and identifying potential vulnerabilities. This includes assessing the effectiveness of existing security controls, evaluating employee awareness and training programs, and identifying any gaps in the current security posture.


Once the assessment is complete, the next stage is design. During this phase, Oppos works closely with the organization’s stakeholders to develop a customized security strategy that aligns with their specific business objectives. This includes designing policies and procedures, implementing security controls, and selecting the appropriate technologies and tools to support the security framework.


After the design phase, Oppos assists with the implementation of the security strategy. This involves deploying the necessary security technologies, establishing incident response protocols, and training employees on security best practices. Oppos also provides ongoing support and guidance throughout the implementation process to ensure a smooth transition.


The final stage of the framework is sustain. This stage focuses on maintaining the effectiveness of the security framework over time. Oppos helps organizations establish continuous monitoring and assessment processes to identify and address emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Regular security audits and employee training sessions are conducted to ensure that the security measures remain up to date and aligned with evolving threats.

Overall, Oppos’ human-centric security framework provides organizations with a comprehensive approach to enhance their cybersecurity defenses. By prioritizing the human element and considering the unique needs of the organization, this framework helps organizations build a strong security foundation and adapt to evolving cyber threats.


In conclusion, human-centric security is crucial in today’s digital landscape. Oppos offers an effective approach to achieving this by implementing four key steps. By prioritizing human behavior and engagement, organizations can significantly enhance their security posture. To stay informed on the latest cybersecurity tips and strategies, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. Additionally, feel free to contact us for a complimentary security assessment to assess and strengthen your current security measures.

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Human-Centric Security FAQs

Human-centric security is an approach that focuses on people as the first line of defense in cybersecurity, recognizing that human behavior is often the weakest link in security.

Oppos’ framework includes four stages: assess (analyzing existing security infrastructure), design (developing a customized security strategy), implement (deploying security technologies and training employees), and sustain (maintaining effectiveness over time).

In this stage, a thorough analysis of the organization’s security infrastructure is conducted, including evaluating existing controls, employee awareness, and training programs.

Implementation involves deploying necessary security technologies, establishing incident response protocols, and training employees on security best practices, with ongoing support from Oppos.

This final stage focuses on continuous monitoring and assessment to address emerging threats. It includes regular security audits and training sessions to ensure up-to-date security measures.

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